The Cheat Code to Get You Unstuck

I work full-time helping podcasters monetize their podcasts. As I have strategy calls week after week, I find that I am saying the same things over and over again. If you are stuck and don’t know what will help you attract your ideal clients, today I’m giving you the cheat code to get you unstuck. …

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The One Mistake That Will Keep You From Getting Monetized

In this episode, I’m going to tell you about a major mistake that I see so many podcasters make, and I’m going to show you what to do to fix the mistake. It’s the same mistake that causes many podcasters to rebrand their podcasts!

Podcaster Beware: Companies Want to Take Advantage of You!

So you’re a podcaster looking to monetize, and all of a sudden out of nowhere you get an email offering a sponsorship for your podcast. It seems too good to be true. Is it? We’ll talk about it right after this. Hi there. Welcome to Podcast Monetization Secrets. My name is Christy Haussler and thank …

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Why You Should Create a Subscription Program

I recently heard someone make a really bold controversial statement. They said, “If you don’t have a continuity program (subscription) in your business, then you don’t really have a business.” This is a quote from David Frey that was shared with me and it really caused me to stop in my tracks. In this episode, …

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The Main Reason Your Podcast Isn’t Growing

Today, I’m talking about why your podcast growth may be stagnant and what you can do about it. If you’re like most people, 90% of us are stuck in phase 1 and real growth doesn’t happen until you get past phase 1. I’m explaining it all in today’s episode and I’ll tell you what you …

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You Are Sitting On Top of a Gold Mine

We spend so much time and energy trying to acquire new leads and get good at paid traffic, that we practically ignore the gold mine that already exists in our business. In today’s episode, I explain your pot of gold and how you can tap into it.

The Most Important Piece of Copy You Will Ever Write

How to write good copy for your podcast If you’re thinking of monetizing your podcast, here are some tips from a copywriter. • Know your audience.Your first step is to understand who your audience is and what they want. This will help you create content that is relevant and engaging. • Create compelling copy.Your content …

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How to Monetize Your Next Conference

If you’re thinking of hosting a conference, here are some tips on making it revenue positive:  • Set a price for admission. This is key – set a price for admission that is fair and reasonable, and make sure to communicate it clearly to attendees. You don’t want people to feel like they’re being taken …

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If You Only Run One Type of Ads It Should Be This Kind

How paid traffic can help a podcaster grow their business If you’re a podcaster looking to increase your downloads and revenue, paid traffic can be a valuable tool. Paid traffic can come from a variety of sources, such as advertising, sponsorships, or paid subscriptions. Here are some tips on how to get started: • Identify …

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What To Do When Nobody Wants Your Free Stuff

Today, I’m going to share with you the advice that I give to my clients – and myself – when it comes to our free stuff. The first mistake we often make is taking a product-oriented view of our free content. So we’re like “here’s my free thing. Here’s what it does. Here’s how many …

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