One Week In

One week into “Season” and Christy shares some highlights and lessons she has learned.  


Business is good!

What a relief, it seems like the crowds are big and they are spending money.  While individual nights can fluctuate, overall Christy is earning above her minimum threshold every night.


A few observations from the first week:

1.  There aren’t as many vendors showing up every night to sell as anticipated.  It would seem like “Season” would bring out everyone who ever wanted to sell at Mallory.  Instead, it is mainly the “usual suspects”.

2.  Having the opportunity to make more money in the high season will make the low season much easier to handle, as long as some money is put away.

3.  Learning lessons in the low season and experimenting with food products is definitely a benefit.  Even though it was not fun to endure, so many valuable lessons were learned.

4.  You can’t tame Mallory.  She will always be a beast that cannot be predicted and figured out.  One must show up each night to see what she has in store!


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